Apr 23, 2009

Terrible to Behold

Today's post is one not to be taken lightly. I have discovered something that is both horrible and terrifying. There is a monster...and it makes it's home in a lake much closer to my apartment than I am comfortable with. Let me explain:

The other day I decided that I had to do something with my recyclables or else they'd take over my apartment building. So I loaded them into a far too awkwardly large box (about as awkward as that sentence structure) and carried them to my car. I then went on the city of Naperville's website to find out where the nearest recycling center was. At first I was delighted to see that it was only 2 miles away, but I'd soon wish it was 200.

As I pulled into the recycling drop-off area, I searched for the bins in which to throw my huge box. There was a small lake in the middle of the property that this facility was on, and I finally found the bins on the far side of it. In this eerie parking lot sat a man in his car whom I proceeded to ask if I'd found the right place. He said that I had and that he would take my box and put it away for me. Apparently this guy worked there, unless he just found strange ways to pass his time. I thanked him and began walking back to my car. That's when I saw it. I froze in mid step. What was that? Was that really there?

I hadn't noticed it before, but the lake was actually pretty gross. There were long posts sticking out of the water all over the place, and it was sort of trashy. And there, in the middle of the lake, perched atop a rotting wooden post, a face was staring back. I stood, locked in place as my gaze was ensnared by a wolf-like creature that seemed to be lacking in common wolf-like appendages. And it looked angry.

I assume it's some kind of scaregoose. Here are some pics I took, click on them to make them full size. It really creeps me out, man.

Apr 19, 2009

Spring Into Action

Look, look, look, it's spring! All the ugly dead trees were totally just faking it. Jerks.

Here ya go John:

John asked me to make a logo for him. Here is the link to the image on my art blog.

Apr 13, 2009

Today: A Really Good Day

Actually, I'm not going to start this post talking about today. I'm going to back up a smidge to the weekend when I visited Maegan. As you all know, Sunday was Easter, but what some of you may not know (and some of you may know) (and some of you may have known, but then forgot) (and all of you are about to know) is that it was Maegan's Birthday also. So on Saturday we went out to celebrate since we knew we'd be busy on Sunday with Easter stuff. We first went to The Melting Pot and got a fancy desert with a bottle of Moscato d'Asti. That, of course, was delicious. Then we went to IMAX and saw Monsters Vs. Aliens in 3D. Yeah, I highly recommend that, I was in stitches. Is that a phrase? In stiches? That doesn't make sense, but I feel like that's a phrase. Well, anyway, I laughed really hard in other words.

Okay, that was the weekend update, now to appease the title of my post and actually talk about today.

Today I started my new job. It was a really good day.

Apr 8, 2009

Better Already.

Look at that. I've already improved the banner.
No more boring plain text.
Bask in the lighting effects and reflections.
Soak in the synergistic pattern fill.
That's some banner!

(For those only now joining in,
here's what it used to look like.)

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A Simple Start

Here it is, the amazing Naperville Journal!
Not Impressed? Well, gimme a break, I just started it. However, I will polish it up as I go, adding pictures, a more impressive banner, more gadgets, and so on...

In other words, stay tuned.