Jul 7, 2010

It hurts to breath...

This is just a little update on the riveting life that is mine:

On July 3rd, Maegan and I went to Madison, Wisconsin to see a show called Rhythm & Booms, which is a fireworks show set to music. There were one billion people there, yet we still got prime seats. It was set in a huge park where people sat in the grass and faced a lake where the fireworks were shot off from the other side. Most of the firework shows that I've seen is like watching a movie on an airplane- small, distant, yet amusing. This was nothing like that. This was like watching a movie in 3D IMAX: colorful explosions that stretched past the peripheral with booms that shook your organs loose. And some good music to boot.

On the way back, we added two travel companions - Auston and his brother Travis - who are visiting family in Wisconsin and the entire reason we went to Rhythm & Booms to begin with. They stayed with us for the 4th and 5th and went back to Wisconsin with their mom, who came down for Ikea, yesterday.

We had a great time...for the most part. As you may know, I enjoy running, but that doesn't mean that I'm in shape. I discovered this after agreeing to go with Travis on a brisk jaunt, or better phrased: a horrific bout of pain-filled exertion. We ran two miles, which isn't bad, but at a rate that airplanes use at cruising altitude. On top of that, we did lunges, which is an exercise that first came into being about the time Eve took bite of that apple. All of this would have been plenty for a day's workout (x2), but Travis, half gymnast on his dad's side, demanded that we do another hour of upper body training. Now, 3 days later, I feel like I've been fed through a meat grinder and the only thing holding the shreds of my body together is a strong will not to die. Moral of this segment: Avoid Travis.

Finally, I will provide an update on Alejandro. Alas:

Obviously doing very well for himself. I'm so proud *sniff
Maybe I will introduce everyone to the rest of my garden someday. But for now, simply bask in Alejandro's avocadoness.


  1. ANDREW. Who knew you had a blog? Not me. Thumbs up.

  2. I am so sorry to have disappointed you, my dear friend! I will be updating my blog in the next day or two! There is much to share :)


Unless you don't want to.